The events

21K de Montréal - Charitable Challenge 2023 Baluchon Long-term Respite Care

A fantastic team of 34 participants, 105 donations received amounting to a total of $7,595.36 raised—this is the wonderful result of our 21K charity event in Montreal. After a three-year stop due to the pandemic, we were eager to reconnect with you in person at an event. Finally, we were able to do so at the beginning of spring, and it turned out to be a magnificent day!

Thanks to the dedication of the entire administrative team of Baluchon and the Foundation, members from both boards of directors, our families, friends, and the beautiful weather, it was a real success. Indeed, the amounts raised this year have increased compared to previous editions, and this is also thanks to you. More than 900 hours of respite care will be provided with the funds raised.